We all know and love a fall preschool theme, and this one brings out all the sweet and cozy aspects of fall. From oversized knit sweaters and chai tea to fuzzy forest animals all curled up for a slumber, these six fall preschool activities for literacy are sure to make your preschoolers want to snuggle and drink up all the learning.

From gross motor activities in the crunchy fall leaves to fall sensory play dough activities, and of course math activities and literacy, there are so many inspirational activities to add to your fall preschool lesson plans.
But these autumn activities are not your average fall activities for kids featuring trees and leaves. This cozy autumn theme makes you want to slow down and enjoy the magic of fall season.
It’s all about indulging in creamy hot cocoa, fuzzy blankets, warm gooey pastries, and scented candles.
Warm and Cozy Fall Literacy Activities for Preschoolers
These printables feature all the pre-literacy skills needed to prepare preschoolers for learning to read. There are four components of early literacy, which are:
Early childhood experts are consistently emphasizing their importance in preschool, so when planning your fall theme preschool lesson plans, it’s critical to include each component.
These printable activities can be used in small group work, circle time, or as independent preschool centers for your preschool hibernation theme activities.
Language and Literacy Development in Early Childhood
If you are interested in learning more about how young children develop literacy and language skills, this is a must-have book in your professional library.
Language and Literacy Development in Early Childhood was written for both pre-service and practicing teachers. It explores how children learn to talk as well as how they use language in their play.
Preschool Activities for Fall
These cozy fall literacy activities are printable, so you can add to your fall preschool centers, and best of all, the six printables also cover the components of early literacy in a fun, engaging, and age appropriate way.
Autumn Wreaths Letter Matching
This is a basic fall matching game where preschoolers math upper case letters with the corresponding lower case letters. The cards can also be used to play gross motor games and a classic memory game. They can be used in both preschool and kindergarten.

Tracing Fall Words for Preschool
These word tracing cards will take your preschooler through the warmth of the fall season. They include words like: cider, plaid, candle, sweater, waffles, blankets, basket and more! The word cards offer a font that teaching letter formation, so preschoolers know what order to make the strokes when writing.

Fall Vocabulary Preschool Words
Every preschool learning unit needs a piece about vocabulary, and these vocabulary cards teach print awareness and word recognition, too. Preschoolers identify the word by looking at the picture on the card, and then find that matching word card. This also helps preschoolers with beginning sound recognition, too.
You can make this into an even more fun activity by adding the cards to a fall leaf sensory bin, or my using them to play memory and seek and find gross motor games.

Syllable Activities for Preschool
One preschool phonological awareness skill is learning how to listen for syllables in a word. Preschoolers also learn to break words into syllables. These syllable jars are reminiscent of antique mason jars you might find on a fireplace mantle.

Signs of Fall Beginning Sound Activities
In preschool, children master letter recognition skills and sounds, and they also learn how to listen for beginning sounds in words. This fall signs game is a fun learning activity that teaches preschoolers how to match beginning sound pictures with their corresponding letter.

Fall Word Building for Preschool
These word building cards are always a hit no matter the preschool theme. Preschoolers practice building words related to all the warm and cozy fall things by using the provided letter tiles or by using letter manipulatives. By the end of your cozy fall unit, these words will be like sight words to your preschoolers!
They can also be added to a fall sensory bin or used in a salt tray for extra writing practice.

Preschool Books About Fall
One of the most special things about planning a fall preschool theme is all the children’s books about fall to include. This is a book-list featuring books about the magic of fall.
Dim the lights in the classroom, have your preschoolers snuggle up during circle time while you read these books to them.
Cozy Activities for Preschool
Preschool should be a safe and exciting place for young children to play and learn. Here are some other cozy preschool activities.
- Cozy Math Activities for Fall
- Create a Cozy Learning Corner
- Cozy Corner Inspiration
- Cozy Fall Bucket List
Get Your Fall Literacy Activities for Preschoolers Here
Think these preschool literacy activities are a must-have for your cozy fall preschool theme? Grab them below!

I’m Sarah, an educator turned stay-at-home-mama of five! I’m the owner and creator of Stay At Home Educator, a website about intentional teaching and purposeful learning in the early childhood years. I’ve taught a range of levels, from preschool to college and a little bit of everything in between. Right now my focus is teaching my children and running a preschool from my home. Credentials include: Bachelors in Art, Masters in Curriculum and Instruction.